Friday, August 17, 2007

The Dirty Duck of Ubud - #1.

The dirty duck of Ubud coming up next. Rather fierce, don’t you think?

Now to tantalize you a bit, here is how the “Dirty Duck” got its name from the owner’s mouth – “One tropical monsoon morning, when the restaurant was very close to being finished (we had the concrete floor down, and the tables in), a flock of ducks from the rice field across the road (yes, there were rice fields all around us then) ran quacking and squawking into the restaurant and across the floor and tables. They left muddy webbed footprints all over the place. They were our first guests - those dirty ducks!”

Don’t you just love a good story? And yes, the padi fields are still there. This has got to be my favorite decoration (its natural – and that is priceless!) for a restaurant. Coming soon or in the local lingo - "Akan Datang". Please go to my Ghost Walk blog for the prequel to Dirty Duck.

To be continued...

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